Package 'matsindf'

Title: Matrices in Data Frames
Description: Provides functions to collapse a tidy data frame into matrices in a data frame and expand a data frame of matrices into a tidy data frame.
Authors: Matthew Heun [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Matthew Heun <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.4.8
Built: 2025-01-29 03:23:05 UTC

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Add a column of matrix names to tidy data frame


Add a column of matrix names to tidy data frame


  ledger_side_colname = "Ledger.side",
  energy_colname = "E.ktoe",
  supply_side = "Supply",
  consumption_side = "Consumption",
  matname_colname = "matname",
  U_name = "U",
  V_name = "V",
  Y_name = "Y"



a data frame with ledger_side_colname and energy_colname.


the name of the column in .DF that contains ledger side (a string). Default is "Ledger.side".


the name of the column in .DF that contains energy values (a string). Default is "E.ktoe".


the identifier for items on the supply side of the ledger (a string). Default is "Supply".


the identifier for items on the consumption side of the ledger (a string). Default is "Consumption".


the name of the output column containing the name of the matrix in which this row belongs (a string). Default is "UVY".


the name for the use matrix (a string). Default is "U".


the name for the make matrix (a string). Default is "V".


the name for the final demand matrix (a string). Default is "Y".


.DF with an added column, UVY_colname.



Add row, column, row type, and column type metadata


Add row, column, row type, and column type metadata


  matname_colname = "matname",
  U_name = "U",
  V_name = "V",
  Y_name = "Y",
  product_colname = "Product",
  flow_colname = "Flow",
  industry_type = "Industry",
  product_type = "Product",
  sector_type = "Sector",
  rowname_colname = "rowname",
  colname_colname = "colname",
  rowtype_colname = "rowtype",
  coltype_colname = "coltype"



a data frame containing matname_colname.


the name of the column in .DF that contains names of matrices (a string). Default is "matname".


the name for use matrices (a string). Default is "U".


the name for make matrices (a string). Default is "V".


the name for final demand matrices (a string). Default is "Y".


the name of the column in .DF where Product names is found (a string). Default is "Product".


the name of the column in .DF where Flow information is found (a string). The Flow column usually contains the industries involved in this flow. Default is "Flow".


the name that identifies production industries and and transformation processes (a string). Default is "Industry".


the name that identifies energy carriers (a string). Default is "Product".


the name that identifies final demand sectors (a string). Default is "Sector".


the name of the output column that contains row names for matrices (a string). Default is "rowname".


the name of the output column that contains column names for matrices (a string). Default is "colname".


the name of the output column that contains row types for matrices (a string). Default is "rowtype".


the name of the output column that contains column types for matrices (a string). Default is "coltype".


.DF with additional columns named rowname_colname, colname_colname, rowtype_colname, and coltype_colname.


UKEnergy2000 %>%
  matsindf:::add_UKEnergy2000_matnames(.) %>%

Build a list of arguments to keep


In the process of building data frames of arguments to FUN, we need to decide which arguments to keep from each source, ..., .dat, and defaults to FUN. This function does that work in one place.





A list created by where_to_get_args().


A list with names .dat, dots, and FUN which gives items to keep from each source.

Create a data frame consisting of the input data for matsindf_apply()


This is an internal helper function that takes the types list and creates a data frame from which calculations can proceed.


  .dat = NULL,
  types = matsindf_apply_types(.dat, FUN = FUN, ... = ...)



The value of the .dat argument to matsindf_apply(), as a list or a data frame.


The function supplied to matsindf_apply().


The ... argument supplied to matsindf_apply().


The types for matsindf_apply(). Supply if already calculated externally. Default is types = matsindf_apply_types(.dat, FUN = FUN, ... = ...).


This function enforces the precedence rules for matsindf_apply(), namely that variables found in ... take priority over variables found in .dat, which take priority over variables found in the default values of FUN.


A data frame (actually, a tibble) with columns from dots, .dat, and the default values to FUN, according to precedence rules for matsindf_apply().

Collapse a "tidy" data frame to matrices in a data frame matsindf)


A "tidy" data frame contains information that can be collapsed into matrices, including columns for matrix names, row names, column names, row types, column types, and values (entries in matrices). These column names are specified as strings by the matnames, rownames, colnames, rowtypes, coltypes, and values arguments to collapse_to_matrices(), respectively. A matsindf-style matrix has named rows and columns. In addition, matsindf-style matrices have "types" for row and column information, such as "Commodities", "Industries", "Products", or "Machines". The row and column types for the matsindf-style matrices are stored as attributes on the matrix (rowtype and coltype), which can be accessed with the functions matsbyname::rowtype() and matsbyname::coltype(). Row and column types are both respected and propagated by the various ⁠*_byname⁠ functions of the matsbyname package. Use the ⁠*_byname⁠ functions when you do operations on the matsindf-style matrices. The matsindf-style matrices will be stored in a column with same name as the incoming values column. This function is similar to tidyr::nest(), which stores data frames into a cell of a data frame. With collapse_to_matrices, matrices are created. This function respects groups, like dplyr::summarise(). (In fact, calls to this function may not work properly unless grouping is provided. Errors of the form "Error: Duplicate identifiers for rows ..." are usually fixed by grouping .DF prior to calling this function.) The usual approach is to dplyr::group_by() the matnames column and any other columns to be preserved in the output. Note that execution is halted if any of rownames, colnames, rowtypes, coltypes, or values is a grouping variable in .DF. rowtypes and coltypes should be the same for all rows of the same matrix in .DF; execution is halted if that is not the case. tidyr::pivot_wider()ing the output by matnames may be necessary before calculations are done on the collapsed matrices. See the example.


  matnames = "matnames",
  matvals = "matvals",
  rownames = "rownames",
  colnames = "colnames",
  rowtypes = if ("rowtypes" %in% names(.DF)) "rowtypes" else NULL,
  coltypes = if ("coltypes" %in% names(.DF)) "coltypes" else NULL,
  matrix.class = lifecycle::deprecated(),
  matrix_class = c("matrix", "Matrix")



the "tidy" data frame


A string identifying the column in .DF containing matrix names for matrices to be created. Default is "matnames".


A string identifying the column in .DF containing values to be inserted into the matrices to be created. This will also be the name of the column in the output containing matrices formed from the data in the matvals column. Default is "matvals".


A string identifying the column in .DF containing row names for matrices to be created. Default is "rownames".


A string identifying the column in .DF containing column names for matrices to be created. Default is "colnames".


An optional string identifying the column in .DF containing the type of values in rows of the matrices to be created. Default is if ("rowtypes" %in% names(.DF)) "rowtypes" else NULL, so that failure to set the rowtypes argument will give NULL, as appropriate.


An optional string identifying the column in .DF containing the type of values in columns of the matrices to be created Default is if ("coltypes" %in% names(.DF)) "rowtypes" else NULL, so that failure to set the coltypes argument will give NULL, as appropriate.


[Deprecated] Use matrix_class instead.


One of "matrix" or "Matrix". "matrix" creates a base::matrix object with the matrix() function. "Matrix" creates a Matrix::Matrix object using the matsbyname::Matrix() function. This could be a sparse matrix. Default is "matrix".


Groups are not preserved on output.

Note that two types of matrices can be created, a matrix or a Matrix. Matrix has the advantage of representing sparse matrices with less memory (and disk space). Matrix objects are created by matsbyname::Matrix().


A data frame with matrices in the matvals column.

See Also

tidyr::nest() and dplyr::summarise().


ptype <- "Products"
itype <- "Industries"
tidy <- data.frame(Country = c( "GH",  "GH",  "GH",  "GH",  "GH",  "GH",  "GH",
                                "US",  "US",  "US",  "US", "GH", "US"),
                  Year    = c(  1971,  1971,  1971,  1971,  1971,  1971,  1971,
                                1980,  1980,  1980,  1980, 1971, 1980),
                  matrix  = c(   "U",   "U",   "E",   "E",   "E",   "V",   "V",
                                 "U",   "U",   "E",   "E", "eta", "eta"),
                  row     = c( "c 1", "c 2", "c 1", "c 2", "c 2", "i 1", "i 2",
                               "c 1", "c 1", "c 1", "c 2", NA, NA),
                  col     = c( "i 1", "i 2", "i 1", "i 2", "i 3", "c 1", "c 2",
                               "i 1", "i 2", "i 1", "i 2", NA, NA),
                  rowtypes = c( ptype, ptype, ptype, ptype, ptype, itype, itype,
                                ptype, ptype, ptype, ptype, NA, NA),
                  coltypes = c( itype, itype, itype, itype, itype, ptype, ptype,
                                itype, itype, itype, itype, NA, NA),
                  vals  = c(    11  ,  22,    11 ,   22 ,   23 ,   11 ,   22 ,
                                11 ,   12 ,   11 ,   22,   0.2, 0.3)
) %>% group_by(Country, Year, matrix)
mats <- collapse_to_matrices(tidy, matnames = "matrix", matvals = "vals",
                             rownames = "row", colnames = "col",
                             rowtypes = "rowtypes", coltypes = "coltypes")
mats %>% pivot_wider(names_from = matrix, values_from = vals)

Create a message from a data frame


This function is especially helpful for cases when a data frame of missing or unset values is at hand. Trim unneeded columns, then call this function to create a string with rows separated by semicolons and entries separated by commas.





The data frame to be converted to a message


A string with rows separated by semicolons and entries separated by commas.


data.frame(a = c(1, 2, 3), b = c("a", "b", "c")) |>

Get symbols for all columns except ...


This convenience function performs a set difference between the columns of .DF and the variable names (or symbols) given in ....


everything_except(.DF, ..., .symbols = TRUE)



A data frame whose variable names are to be differenced.


A string, strings, vector of strings, or list of strings representing column names to be subtracted from the names of .DF/


A boolean that defines the return type: TRUE for symbols, FALSE for strings.


A vector of symbols (when .symbols = TRUE) or strings (when symbol = FALSE) containing all variables names except those given in ....


DF <- data.frame(a = c(1, 2), b = c(3, 4), c = c(5, 6))
everything_except(DF, "a", "b")
everything_except(DF, "a", "b", symbols = FALSE)
everything_except(DF, c("a", "b"))
everything_except(DF, list("a", "b"))

Expand a matsindf data frame


Any tidy data frame of matrices (in which each row represents one matrix observation) can also be represented as a tidy data frame with each non-zero matrix entry as an observation on its own row. This function (and collapse_to_matrices()) convert between the two representations.


  matnames = "matnames",
  matvals = "matvals",
  rownames = "rownames",
  colnames = "colnames",
  rowtypes = "rowtypes",
  coltypes = "coltypes",
  drop = NA



The data frame containing matsindf-style matrices. (.DF may also be a named list of matrices, in which case names of the matrices are taken from the names of items in the list and list items are expected to be matrices.)


The name of the column in .DF containing matrix names (a string). Default is "matnames".


The name of the column in .DF containing IO-style matrices or constants (a string), This will also be the name of the column containing matrix entries in the output data frame. Default is "matvals".


The name for the output column of row names (a string). Default is "rownames".


The name for the output column of column names (a string). Default is "colnames".


An optional name for the output column of row types (a string). Default is "rowtypes".


The optional name for the output column of column types (a string) Default is "coltypes".


If specified, the value to be dropped from output, For example, drop = 0 will cause 0 entries in the matrices to be deleted from output. If NA, no values are dropped from output. Default is NA.


Names for output columns are specified in the rownames, colnames, rowtypes, and coltypes, arguments. The entries of the matsindf-style matrices are stored in an output column named values.


A tidy data frame containing expanded matsindf-style matrices


ptype <- "Products"
itype <- "Industries"
tidy <- data.frame(Country  = c( "GH",  "GH",  "GH",  "GH",  "GH",  "GH",  "GH",
                                 "US",  "US",  "US",  "US", "GH", "US"),
                  Year      = c( 1971,  1971,  1971,  1971,  1971,  1971,  1971,
                                 1980,  1980,  1980,  1980, 1971, 1980),
                  matrix    = c(  "U",   "U",   "Y",   "Y",   "Y",   "V",   "V",
                                  "U",   "U",   "Y",   "Y", "eta", "eta"),
                  row       = c(  "c1",  "c2",  "c1",  "c2",  "c2",  "i1",  "i2",
                                  "c1",  "c1",  "c1",  "c2", NA, NA),
                  col       = c(  "i1",  "i2",  "i1",  "i2",  "i3",  "c1",  "c2",
                                  "i1",  "i2",  "i1",  "i2", NA, NA),
                  rowtypes  = c( ptype, ptype, ptype, ptype, ptype, itype, itype,
                                 ptype, ptype, ptype, ptype, NA, NA),
                  coltypes  = c(itype, itype, itype, itype, itype, ptype, ptype,
                                itype, itype, itype, itype, NA, NA),
                  vals      = c(11  ,  22,    11 ,   22 ,   23 ,   11 ,   22 ,
                                11 ,   12 ,   11 ,   22,   0.2, 0.3)) %>%
  group_by(Country, Year, matrix)
mats <- collapse_to_matrices(tidy, matnames = "matrix", rownames = "row", colnames = "col",
                             rowtypes = "rowtypes", coltypes = "coltypes",
                             matvals = "vals") %>%
expand_to_tidy(mats, matnames = "matrix", matvals = "vals",
                     rownames = "rows", colnames = "cols",
                     rowtypes = "rt",   coltypes = "ct")
expand_to_tidy(mats, matnames = "matrix", matvals = "vals",
                     rownames = "rows", colnames = "cols",
                     rowtypes = "rt",   coltypes = "ct", drop = 0)

Create a usable list of default arguments to a function


formals(FUN) does not handle arguments without a default well, returning a name vector of length 1, which when converted to character is "". This function detects that condition and replaces the no-default argument with the value of .no_default, by default NULL.


get_useable_default_args(FUN, which = c("values", "names"), no_default = NULL)



A function from which values of default arguments are to be extracted.


Tells whether to get "names" of arguments or "values" of arguments. Default is "values".


The placeholder value for arguments with no default.


A named list of default arguments to FUN. Names are the argument names. Values are the default argument values.


f <- function(a = 42, b) {
  return(a + b)
matsindf:::get_useable_default_args(f, no_default = logical())

Group by all variables except some


This is a convenience function that allows grouping of a data frame by all variables (columns) except those variables specified in ....


group_by_everything_except(.DF, ..., .add = FALSE, .drop = FALSE)



A data frame to be grouped.


A string, strings, vector of strings, or list of strings representing column names to be excluded from grouping.


When .add = FALSE, the default, dplyr::group_by() will override existing groups. To add to the existing groups, use .add = TRUE.


When .drop = TRUE, empty groups are dropped. Default is FALSE.


A grouped version of .DF.


DF <- data.frame(a = c(1, 2), b = c(3, 4), c = c(5, 6))
group_by_everything_except(DF) %>% group_vars()
group_by_everything_except(DF, NULL) %>% group_vars()
group_by_everything_except(DF, c()) %>% group_vars()
group_by_everything_except(DF, list()) %>% group_vars()
group_by_everything_except(DF, c) %>% group_vars()
group_by_everything_except(DF, "a") %>% group_vars()
group_by_everything_except(DF, "c") %>% group_vars()
group_by_everything_except(DF, c("a", "c")) %>% group_vars()
group_by_everything_except(DF, c("a")) %>% group_vars()
group_by_everything_except(DF, list("a")) %>% group_vars()

Gracefully handle empty data


When empty data are provided to matsindf_apply(), care must be take with the return value. This function assembles the correct zero-row data frame or zero-length lists.


handle_empty_data(.dat = NULL, FUN, DF, types)



The .dat argument to matsindf_apply().


The FUN argument to matsindf_apply().


The assembled DF inside matsindf_apply().


The types object assembled inside matsindf_apply().


The appropriate return value from matsindf_apply(), either a zero-length list or a zero-row data frame.

Gracefully handle NULL arguments


When NULL is passed as an element of the .dat or ... arguments to matsindf_apply(), special care must be taken. This function helps in those situations.





One of .dat or ... (as a list) arguments to matsindf_apply().


A list representation of .arg with NULL values handled appropriately.

Index a column in a data frame by groups relative to an initial year


This function indexes (by ratio) variables in vars_to_index to the first time in time_var or to index_time (if specified). Groups in .DF are both respected and required. Neither var_to_index nor time_var can be in the grouping variables.


  time_var = "Year",
  index_time = NULL,
  indexed_var = paste0(var_to_index, suffix),
  suffix = "_indexed"



the data frame in which the variables are contained


the column name representing the variable to be indexed (a string)


the name of the column containing time information. Default is "Year".


the time to which data in var_to_index are indexed. If NULL (the default), index_time is set to the first time of each group.


the name of the indexed variable. Default is "<<var_to_index>>_<<suffix>>".


the suffix to be appended to the indexed variable. Default is "_indexed".


Note that this function works when the variable to index is a column of numbers or a column of matrices.


a data frame with same number of rows as .DF and the following columns: grouping variables of .DF, var_to_index, time_var, and one additional column containing indexed var_to_index named with the value of indexed_var.


DF <- data.frame(Year = c(2000, 2005, 2010), a = c(10, 15, 20), b = c(5, 5.5, 6)) %>%
  gather(key = name, value = var, a, b) %>%
index_column(DF, var_to_index = "var", time_var = "Year", suffix = "_ratioed")
index_column(DF, var_to_index = "var", time_var = "Year", indexed_var = "now.indexed")
index_column(DF, var_to_index = "var", time_var = "Year", index_time = 2005,
             indexed_var = "now.indexed")
## Not run: 
  DF %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    group_by(name, var) %>%
    index_column(var_to_index = "var", time_var = "Year") # Fails! Do not group on var_to_index.
  DF %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    group_by(name, Year) %>%
    index_column(var_to_index = "var", time_var = "Year") # Fails! Do not group on time_var.

## End(Not run)

Convert a matrix to a data frame with rows, columns, and values.


This function "expands" a matrix into a tidy data frame with a values column and factors for row names, column names, row types, and column types. Optionally, values can be dropped.


  matvals = "matvals",
  rownames = "rownames",
  colnames = "colnames",
  rowtypes = "rowtypes",
  coltypes = "coltypes",
  drop = NA



The IO-style matrix to be converted to a data frame with rows, columns, and values.


A string for the name of the output column containing values. Default is "matvals".


A string for the name of the output column containing row names. Default is "rownames".


A string for the name of the output column containing column names. Default is "colnames".


A string for the name of the output column containing row types. Default is "rowtypes".


A string for the name of the output column containing column types. Default is "coltypes".


If specified, the value to be dropped from output. Default is NA. For example, drop = 0 will cause 0 entries in the matrices to be deleted from output. If NA, no values are dropped from output.


A data frame with rows, columns, and values.


data <- data.frame(Country  = c("GH", "GH", "GH"),
                   rows = c( "c1",  "c1", "c2"),
                   cols = c( "i1",  "i2", "i2"),
                   rt = c("Commodities", "Commodities", "Commodities"),
                   ct = c("Industries", "Industries", "Industries"),
                   vals = c(  11  ,  12,   22 ))
A <- data %>%
  rowcolval_to_mat(rownames = "rows", colnames = "cols",
                   rowtypes = "rt",   coltypes = "ct", matvals = "vals")
mat_to_rowcolval(A, rownames = "rows", colnames = "cols",
                 rowtypes = "rt", coltypes = "ct", matvals = "vals")
mat_to_rowcolval(A, rownames = "rows", colnames = "cols",
                 rowtypes = "rt", coltypes = "ct", matvals = "vals", drop = 0)
# This also works for single values
mat_to_rowcolval(2, matvals = "vals",
                 rownames = "rows", colnames = "cols",
                 rowtypes = "rt", coltypes = "ct")
mat_to_rowcolval(0, matvals = "vals",
                 rownames = "rows", colnames = "cols",
                 rowtypes = "rt", coltypes = "ct", drop = 0)

Find columns that contain matrices


It is often helpful to find the columns of a matsindf data frame that contain exclusively or some matrices. This function helps with that task.


matrix_cols(.df, .drop_names = FALSE, .any = FALSE)



The data frame to be queried for matrix columns.


A boolean that tells whether to remove the names from the returned integer vector. Default is FALSE.


A boolean that tells whether a column is reported when any() of the rows contain matrices (instead of all() rows contain matrices). Default is FALSE, in which case all entries in a column must be a matrix for the column to be reported.


By default, a column is considered a matrix column if all() of the rows contain matrices. Use the .test_any argument to modify this behavior.

By default, the vector of integers returned from this function is named by the columns. Use the .drop_names function to modify this behavior.


A vector of integers saying which columns contain matrices.


tidy <- tibble::tibble(matrix = c("V1", "V1", "V1", "V2", "V2"),
                         row = c("i1", "i1", "i2", "i1", "i2"),
                         col = c("p1", "p2", "p2", "p1", "p2"),
                         vals = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) %>%
    rowtypes = "Industries",
    coltypes  = "Products"
  ) %>%
matsdf <- tidy %>%
  collapse_to_matrices(matnames = "matrix", matvals = "vals",
                       rownames = "row", colnames = "col",
                       rowtypes = "rowtypes", coltypes = "coltypes")
matrix_cols(matsdf, .drop_names = TRUE)

Apply a function to a matsindf data frame (and more)


Applies FUN to .dat or performs the calculation specified by FUN on numbers or matrices. FUN must return a named list. The values of the list returned FUN become entries in columns in a returned data frame or entries in the sub-lists of a returned list. The names of the items in the list returned by FUN become names of the columns in a returned data frame or names of the list items in the returned list.


matsindf_apply(.dat = NULL, FUN, ..., .warn_missing_FUN_args = TRUE)



A list of named items or a data frame.


The function to be applied to .dat.


Named arguments to be passed by name to FUN.


A boolean that tells whether to warn of missing arguments to FUN. Default is TRUE.


If is.null(.dat) and ... are all named numbers or matrices of the form argname = m, ms are passed to FUN by argnames. The return value is a named list provided by FUN. The arguments in ... are not included in the output.

If is.null(.dat) and ... are all lists of numbers or matrices of the form argname = l, FUN is Mapped across the various ls to obtain a list of named lists returned from FUN. The return value is a list whose top-level names are the names of the returned items from FUN .dat is not included in the return value.

If !is.null(.dat) and ... are all named, length == 1 character strings of the form argname = string, argnames are expected to be names of arguments to FUN, and strings are expected to be column names in .dat. The return value is .dat with additional columns (at right) whose names are the names of list items returned from FUN. When .dat contains columns whose names are same as columns added at the right, a warning is emitted.

.dat can be a list of named items in which case a list will be returned instead of a data frame.

If items in .dat have same names as arguments to FUN, it is not necessary to specify any arguments in .... matsindf_apply assumes that the appropriately-named items in .dat are intended to be arguments to FUN. When an item name appears in both ... and .dat, ... takes precedence.

if .dat is a data frame, the items in its columns (possibly matrices) are unname()d before calling FUN.

NULL arguments in ... are ignored for the purposes of deciding whether all arguments are numbers, matrices, lists of numbers of matrices, or named character strings. However, all NULL arguments are passed to FUN, so FUN should be able to deal with NULL arguments appropriately.

If .dat is present, ... contains length == 1 strings, and one of the ... strings is not the name of a column in .dat, FUN is called WITHOUT the argument whose column is missing. I.e., that argument is treated as missing. If FUN works despite the missing argument, execution proceeds. If FUN cannot handle the missing argument, an error will occur in FUN.

It is suggested that FUN is able to handle empty data gracefully, returning an empty result with the same names as when non-empty data are fed to FUN. Attempts are made to handle zero-row data (in .dat or ...) gracefully. First, FUN is called with the empty (but named) data. If FUN can handle empty data without error, the result is returned. If FUN errors when fed empty data, FUN is called with an empty argument list in the hopes that FUN has reasonable default values. If that fails, .dat is returned unmodified (if not NULL) or the data in ... is returned.

If .dat is NULL and all named arguments in ... are similarly NULL, the result will be a list with each named argument being an empty list. See examples.


A named list or a data frame. (See details.)


example_fun <- function(a, b){
  return(list(c = sum_byname(a, b),
              d = difference_byname(a, b)))
# Single values for arguments
matsindf_apply(FUN = example_fun, a = 2, b = 2)
# Matrices for arguments
a <- 2 * matrix(c(1,2,3,4), nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE,
              dimnames = list(c("r1", "r2"), c("c1", "c2")))
b <- 0.5 * a
matsindf_apply(FUN = example_fun, a = a, b = b)
# Single values in lists are treated like columns of a data frame
matsindf_apply(FUN = example_fun, a = list(2, 2), b = list(1, 2))
# Matrices in lists are treated like columns of a data frame
matsindf_apply(FUN = example_fun, a = list(a, a), b = list(b, b))
# Single numbers in a data frame
DF <- data.frame(a = c(4, 4, 5), b = c(4, 4, 4))
matsindf_apply(DF, FUN = example_fun, a = "a", b = "b")
# By default, arguments to FUN come from DF
matsindf_apply(DF, FUN = example_fun)
# Now put some matrices in a data frame.
DF2 <- data.frame(a = I(list(a, a)), b = I(list(b,b)))
matsindf_apply(DF2, FUN = example_fun, a = "a", b = "b")
# All arguments to FUN are supplied by named items in .dat
matsindf_apply(list(a = 1, b = 2), FUN = example_fun)
# All arguments are supplied by named arguments in ..., but mix them up.
# Note that the named arguments override the items in .dat
matsindf_apply(list(a = 1, b = 2, z = 10), FUN = example_fun, a = "z", b = "b")
# A warning is issued when an output item has same name as an input item.
matsindf_apply(list(a = 1, b = 2, c = 10), FUN = example_fun, a = "c", b = "b")
# When a zero-row data frame supplied to .dat,
# .dat is returned unmodified, unless FUN can handle empty data.
DF3 <- DF2[0, ]
matsindf_apply(DF3, FUN = example_fun, a = "a", b = "b")
# A list of named but empty lists is returned if
# NULL is passed to all named arguments.
matsindf_apply(FUN = example_fun, a = NULL, b = NULL)

Determine types of .dat and ... arguments for matsindf_apply()


This is a convenience function that returns a list for the types of .dat and ... as well as names in .dat and ..., with components named .dat_null, .dat_df, .dat_list, .dat_names, FUN_arg_all_names, FUN_arg_default_names, FUN_arg_default_values, dots_present, all_dots_num, all_dots_mats, all_dots_list, all_dots_vect, all_dots_char, all_dots_longer_than_1, dots_names, and keep_args.


matsindf_apply_types(.dat = NULL, FUN, ..., .warn_missing_FUN_args = TRUE)



The .dat argument to be checked.


The function sent to matsindf_apply().


The list of arguments to matsindf_apply() to be checked.


A boolean that tells whether to warn of missing arguments to FUN. Default is TRUE.


When .dat is a data.frame, both .dat_list and .dat_df are TRUE.

When arguments are present in ..., dots_present is TRUE but FALSE otherwise. When all items in ... are single numbers, all_dots_num is TRUE and all other list members are FALSE. When all items in ... are matrices, all_dots_mats is TRUE and all other list members are FALSE. When all items in ... are lists, all_dots_list is TRUE and all other list members are FALSE. When all items in ... are vectors (including lists), all_dots_vect is TRUE. When all items in ... have length > 1, all_dots_longer_than_1 is TRUE. When all items in ... are character strings, all_dots_char is TRUE and all other list members are FALSE.

The various ⁠FUN_arg_*⁠ components give information about the arguments to FUN. FUN_arg_all_names gives the names of all arguments to FUN, regardless of whether they have default values. FUN_arg_default_names gives the names of only those arguments with default values. FUN_arg_default_values gives the values of the default arguments, already eval()ed in the global environment. When there are no values in a category, NULL is returned. thus, if FUN has no arguments with default values assigned in the signature of the function, both FUN_arg_default_names and FUN_arg_default_values will be NULL. If FUN has no arguments, all of FUN_arg_all_names, FUN_arg_default_names and FUN_arg_default_values will be NULL.

keep_args is a named list() of arguments, which indicates which arguments to keep from which source (..., .dat, or default args to FUN) by order of preference, ... over .dat over default arguments to FUN. Arguments not used by FUN are kept, again according to the rules of preference.


A logical list with components named .dat_null, .dat_df, .dat_list, .dat_names, FUN_arg_all_names, FUN_arg_default_names, FUN_arg_default_values, dots_present, all_dots_num, all_dots_mats, all_dots_list, all_dots_vect, all_dots_char, all_dots_longer_than_1, dots_names, and keep_args.


identity_fun <- function(a, b) {list(a = a, b = b)}
matsindf_apply_types(.dat = NULL, FUN = identity_fun, a = 1, b = 2)
matsindf_apply_types(.dat = data.frame(), FUN = identity_fun,
                     a = matrix(c(1, 2)), b = matrix(c(2, 3)))
matsindf_apply_types(.dat = list(), FUN = identity_fun,
                     a = c(1, 2), b = c(3, 4))
matsindf_apply_types(.dat = NULL, FUN = identity_fun,
                     a = list(1, 2), b = list(3, 4))

Collapse a tidy data frame into a matrix with named rows and columns


Columns not specified in one of rownames, colnames, rowtype, coltype, or values are silently dropped. rowtypes and coltypes are added as attributes to the resulting matrix (via matsbyname::setrowtype() and matsbyname::setcoltype(). The resulting matrix is a (under the hood) a data frame. If both rownames and colnames columns of .DF contain NA, it is assumed that this is a single value, not a matrix, in which case the value in the values column is returned.


  matvals = "matvals",
  rownames = "rownames",
  colnames = "colnames",
  rowtypes = "rowtypes",
  coltypes = "coltypes",
  fill = 0,
  matrix.class = lifecycle::deprecated(),
  matrix_class = c("matrix", "Matrix"),
  i_colname = "i",
  j_colname = "j"



A tidy data frame containing columns for row names, column names, and values.


The name of the column in .DF containing values with which to fill the matrix (a string). Default is "matvals".


The name of the column in .DF containing row names (a string). Default is "rownames".


The name of the column in .DF containing column names (a string). Default is "colnames".


An optional string identifying the types of information found in rows of the matrix to be constructed. Default is "rowtypes".


An optional string identifying the types of information found in columns of the matrix to be constructed. Default is "coltypes".


The value for missing entries in the resulting matrix. default is 0.


[Deprecated] Use matrix_class instead.


One of "matrix" or "Matrix". "matrix" creates a base::matrix object with the matrix() function. "Matrix" creates a Matrix::Matrix object using the matsbyname::Matrix() function. This could be a sparse matrix. Default is "matrix".

i_colname, j_colname

Names of index columns used internally. Defaults are "i" and "j".


Note that two types of matrices can be created, a matrix or a Matrix. Matrix has the advantage of representing sparse matrices with less memory (and disk space). Matrix objects are created by matsbyname::Matrix().


A matrix with named rows and columns and, optionally, row and column types.


data <- data.frame(Country  = c("GH", "GH", "GH"),
                   rows = c( "c 1",  "c 1", "c 2"),
                   cols = c( "i 1",  "i 2", "i 2"),
                   vals = c(   11  ,   12,    22 ))
A <- rowcolval_to_mat(data, rownames = "rows", colnames = "cols", matvals = "vals")
rowtype(A) # NULL, because types not set
coltype(A) # NULL, because types not set
B <- rowcolval_to_mat(data, rownames = "rows", colnames = "cols", matvals = "vals",
                            rowtypes  = "Commodities", coltypes  = "Industries")
C <- data %>% bind_cols(data.frame(rt = c("Commodities", "Commodities", "Commodities"),
                                   ct = c("Industries", "Industries", "Industries"))) %>%
  rowcolval_to_mat(rownames = "rows", colnames = "cols", matvals = "vals",
                   rowtypes = "rt", coltypes = "ct")
# Also works for single values if both the rownames and colnames columns contain NA
data2 <- data.frame(Country = c("GH"), rows = c(NA), cols = c(NA),
  rowtypes = c(NA), coltypes = c(NA), vals = c(2))
data2 %>% rowcolval_to_mat(rownames = "rows", colnames = "cols", matvals = "vals",
  rowtypes = "rowtypes", coltypes = "coltypes")
data3 <- data.frame(Country = c("GH"), rows = c(NA), cols = c(NA), vals = c(2))
data3 %>% rowcolval_to_mat(rownames = "rows", colnames = "cols", matvals = "vals")
# Fails when rowtypes or coltypes not all same. In data3, column rt is not all same.
data4 <- data %>% bind_cols(data.frame(rt = c("Commodities", "Industries", "Commodities"),
                                       ct = c("Industries", "Industries", "Industries")))
## Not run: rowcolval_to_mat(data4, rownames = "rows", colnames = "cols",
                          matvals = "vals", rowtypes = "rt", coltypes = "ct")
## End(Not run)

Tell whether a column can be unlisted


When evaluating each row of a data frame in matsindf_apply(), the result will be a tibble with list columns. This function tells whether a column can be unlisted. This is internal helper function and should not be called externally.





The column to be checked. Or a data.frame, in which case every column is checked.


A boolean. TRUE if the column can be unlisted, FALSE otherwise. When this_col is a data.frame, a named boolean vector, one entry for each column.

Energy consumption in the UK in 2000


A dataset containing approximations to some of the energy flows in the UK in the year 2000. These data first appeared as the example in Figures 3, 7, and 11 of M.K. Heun, A. Owen, and P.E. Brockway. 2018. A physical supply-use table framework for energy analysis on the energy conversion chain. Applied Energy, Vol. 226, pp. 1134-1162.




A data frame with 36 rows and 7 variables:


country, GB (Great Britain, only one country)


year, 2000 (only one year)


Supply or Consumption


tells where each row should be aggregated


the Industry or Sector involved in this flow


the energy product involved in this flow


magnitude of the energy flow in ktoe



Verify that column names in a data frame are not already present


In the Recca package, many functions add columns to an existing data frame. If the incoming data frame already contains columns with the names of new columns to be added, a name collision could occur, deleting the existing column of data. This function provides a way to quickly check whether newcols are already present in .DF.


verify_cols_missing(.DF, newcols)



the data frame to which newcols are to be added


a single string, a single name, a vector of strings representing the names of new columns to be added to .DF, or a vector of names of new columns to be added to .DF


This function terminates execution if a column of .DF will be overwritten by one of the newcols.


NULL. This function should be called for its side effect of checking the validity of the names of newcols to be added to .DF.


df <- data.frame(a = c(1,2), b = c(3,4))
verify_cols_missing(df, "d") # Silent. There will be no problem adding column "d".
newcols <- c("c", "d", "a", "b")
## Not run: verify_cols_missing(df, newcols) # Error: a and b are already in df.

Decide where to get each argument to FUN


The precedence rules for where to obtain values for the FUN argument to matsindf_apply() are codified here. The rules are:

  • Precedence order: ..., .dat, defaults arguments to FUN (highest priority to lowest priority).

  • If an element of ... is a character string of length 1, the element of ... provides a mapping between an item in .dat (with same name as the value of the character string of length 1) to an argument of FUN (with the same name as the name of the character string of length 1).

  • If the value of the character string of length 1 is not a name in .dat, the default arguments to FUN are checked in this order.

    • If the name of a default argument to FUN is the same as the value of the string of length 1 argument in ..., a mapping occurs.

    • If a mapping is not possible, the default arg to FUN is used directly.


where_to_get_args(.dat = NULL, FUN, ...)



The .dat argument to matsindf_apply().


The FUN argument to matsindf_apply().


The ... argument to matsindf_apply().


A named list wherein the names are the argument names to FUN. Values are character vectors with 2 elements. The first element is named source and provides the argument to matsindf_apply() from which the named argument should be found, one of ".dat", "FUN", or "...". The second element is named arg_name and provides the variable name or argument name in the source that contains the input data for the argument to FUN.


example_fun <- function(a = 1, b) {
  list(c = a + b, d = a - b)
# b is not available anywhere, likely causing an error later
matsindf:::where_to_get_args(FUN = example_fun)
# b is now available in ...
matsindf:::where_to_get_args(FUN = example_fun, b = 2)
# b is now available in .dat
matsindf:::where_to_get_args(list(b = 2), FUN = example_fun)
# b now comes from ..., because ... takes precedence over .dat
matsindf:::where_to_get_args(list(b = 2), FUN = example_fun, b = 3)
# Mapping from c in .dat to b in FUN
matsindf:::where_to_get_args(list(c = 2),
                             FUN = example_fun, b = "c")
# Redirect from an arg in ... to a different default to FUN
matsindf:::where_to_get_args(FUN = example_fun, b = "a")
# b is found in FUN, not in .dat, because the mapping (b = "a")
# is not available in .dat
matsindf:::where_to_get_args(list(b = 2), FUN = example_fun, b = "a")